Want and Need

Page 300!

That's right, the 300th consecutive page of Plague's comic run! A huge accomplishment! Truly! I have been working on this comic since April of 2006 with a nearly perfect record of updates and a definite improvement in art style! I have grown as both an artist and a writer since 2006 and they are closely tied to such a consistent need to create art and tell a concise story.

What makes this an even greater accomplishment is the idea that this wasn't several different short stories all strung together like TOHS (Though that is still an accomplishment), it was a long single from-the-beginning run! I am very proud of the fact - I'm proud to be just over halfway through the tale with a definite end in mind. Thank you for taking today to help me celebrate it! If you want to see a larger version of the banner at the top it is now posted on Deviantart.

Also yesterday (And the five days before it) all had pages of Gemutations: Plague trivia attached to them! I hope you have been compiling your answers! Use the contact button at the top of the right column there to send me your email -or if that isn't working, send them to tgrshrk06@hughes.net and please mark your email "Plague Trivia" in the subject line!

Today's Page

Ever have a day like this? Where you really don't want to give over your conciousness, but really your body is so burnt out that it knocks you out without you willing it?

Yeah, Steve is experiencing that right now. He really has done well to stay awake this long.