Where Were WE...?

I turned this page out VERY quickly... and I'm quite happy with how it's laid out as well as how the art appears! :)

Seems David kinda lost track of what he was actually HERE for. Got a bit too wrapped up in his hatred of Cortez that he just lost sight of the prize.

C'mon man!

So what exactly happened? That's what we get to backtrack a bit and find out! :) Tom hasn't been just some "dude in distress" while we tracked Bull and Blue and David! So next page will rewind to the blackout and show what EXACTLY Tom does...

I am both uber excited about this next sequence and dreading the amount of action I have to make clear page to page! O_o

Twitter Feed

You'll notice that there's been a slight modification to the News Area. In an effort to better cross promote my work, I'm including my twitter feed. I tend to talk about both comics, as well as announce novel production and related items! Give it a go... You like what you see, please follow me on twitter. (Zee link is at the top of the sidebar!)

Application Season!

That's right! If you're looking to join a community of like minded creators who support each other personally and professionally, here is an opportunity!

Applications will be held from August 1st through the 22nd! Please be sure you check the requirements in the Apply FAQ, and brush up your skilz!

We are only taking self-hosted (or self-hosted upon acceptance) applications this go round! This means aside from free hosting places like Tapastic, The Duck etc!