Ruh Roh Shaggy!

We saw this coming yes? We already knew that Q resorts to her teeth when things aren't going her way, right?

One moment's carelessness...


O_o We have TWO...count em TWO pages left in this chapter. Which means that we will be coming up against my Hiatus very soon.

I have found out the hard way the past couple of years, that October is a nose to the grindstone month for teachers. Additionally I will be using my weekends for some extracurricular activity away from my computer. Weekends are normally the times that I work on my comic pages. SO... to keep from having to go into an emergency hiatus, I made the concious decision to simply schedule one.

The Hiatus will start October 1 and last through the 30th. In that timeframe I will be building something of a buffer as I can.

What can you do to help? Glad you asked! I am hoping to cover the time I'm gone with fan arts/fan comics/or fan stories... if you'd like help ease the readership during my absence, please contact me using the contact button above right! :) I will love you forever. All contributed artwork will get full credits for the assist! So please include the name/alias you'd like me to include as well as a link to where people can see your awesomeness! :)