SO... pulling no punches and wasting no time getting to our new character! I think I had a little too much fun playing with his scarring. Not sure I'm right with the way his exposed musculature came out. It's not bad... but I think my brain wants it to look as if it was exposed and dried. So it being so viscous looking is messing with my head. THe teeth though. YES they came out better than I planned!
And if you're getting the shivers either looking at him or watching him drag himself across the floor - that was the general idea. Why all that is will be talked about as the chapter moves forward.
Comic of the Week
This week's comic of the week is another of our latest member acceptances, Lapse by Ayemae.
I had the honor of working with her to get her site set up - so I am particularly attached to this comic. Not to mention the fact that it is a creepy supernatural comic - which is right up my alley!
Bean only thinks she's got things bad - living at home with her mom - trying to make it through school - just general everyday life. But her life has never been ordinary. She saw a ghost when she was little - and a spider demon thing seems to want to possess her.
An accident leaves her seperated from her body and near death - and now she must figure out a way to get back, or forever be trapped in a shadow world.
Ayemae has an awesome sense of storytelling, and her art is very pleasing to look at and fits the style and mood of the comic precisely! You will not be disappointed with this tale!