Mutual Acquaintance

That's ONE way to put it Angelina. I think David would be a bit scared by the aloof title you've used there! LOL. And Did you really think that the circumstances that led to Richard's current condition would be easily forgotten?

I almost didn't get this done. See I started it last Monday but ran out of steam to finish it. so I told myself I would pick a night during the week and finish it up. Only each night seemed to have something going on - meeting - visitation from daughter - too tired - school work to enter. YADDA YADDA... Anyway...I got almost all of the inks done on Monday. Then finished the rest on Friday.

Comic of the Week

Okay I'm up for the last week of the cross promotion so instead of touting my comic, I am going to tout a comic I recently found that I enjoy very much. It actually is not a Spiderforest Comic though I have asked the creators to apply in the past.

The story revolves around a mysterious stranger who keeps as his companions two crows. Who is he? What is his mysterious "illness"? It is a fantasy tale with some really gorgeous, loose painterly-style artwork. It is still early in the archive and story, so it is a great time to jump in and get started!