Tom is ushered back into the room and shackled. What in the world can they have in store for him? One thing is pretty obvious, Bull isn't fully disclosing his knowledge of Tom's particulars to his partner.
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The Brothers Martin: In the Beginning
The Prequel to Forgotten Ties, In the Beginning explains in detail what led Tom and Steve to become cyborgs and how all of it affected their personalities. Synopsis: The brothers’ trip was supposed to be a short jaunt up the road – dinner and drinks with Steve’s soon-to-be in-laws. Little did Tom and Steve know, it would be the last bit of normalcy they would ever experience. Run off the road and thrown from the truck, the brothers should have died in the ravine that night… But they didn’t. And so their nightmare begins. You can find your copy HERE: Kindle or here Print (will consolidate laters)
Spiderforest Applications
Just five days remain for applications! The last week of the month is spent finalizing voting and sending out acceptance and rejection letters to all who applied! Hopefully by September 1st we will be able to announce our newest members! Time is running out!