UGH!!! Here it is Sunday before the update and I JUST FINISHED THE PAGE! GAH!! Well hopefully that will ease with the three week break from work to ease into.
Two bits of pain added. Ever head butt someone? Even by accident? I don't care how macho you are, that shit hurts! O_o
So Bull actually recovers faster and deals a bit more serious a blow. Cupping your hands just right and clapping them over the ears of an assailant can actually pop the person's ear drum from dramatic pressure changes. Or so I was told by a self-defense teacher, never have had the displeasure of using the technique... so I'm not quite sure the accuracy of such a statement, other than it makes a lot of sense.
COTW Week Eleven!
Here it is! The final week of the Comic of the Week cross promotion.
Damsels DonĂ¢€™t Wear Glasses by RedClause
Lave Faraday, a natural human living in the Multi-magical city of Persephone is assigned to protect Jake D'Crux, a twelve year old danger magnet who has yet to understand the supernatural world he now finds himself in. But things only get more complicated when Lave finds herself fighting off the denizens who scrabble to take Jake for their own ends.
The Only Half Saga by Darwin
Garrett Kelly, Wanderer for the supernatural hunting organization, Victor Sierra, gets wind of Cabal's possible location and goes hunting. What he finds is completely different from his original quest.
I just got thise hilarious image by Travis who does the Noir strip Bruno Harm
Well it's funny to me I guess... let me know if you get it ;)
Merry Christmas to all of my readers out there! Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope they are full of fond memories, good company, and great food!