Hot off the presses...Good Lord I've got to get a buffer built again! Heh... I did this on Saturday. BLEH...
So anyway...Wall of Words for the win... But there was a certain place I'd drawn expressions for and then realized the way the dialogue in the story was wouldn't work. That's what I get for going from memory on how the story is supposed to go! LOL! So I drastically edited what was said and where it was said to get this page to work as drawn.
I'm quite happy with the art on this page, despite that I did it at the last minute, I think it is one of my better pieces.
Comic of the Week
This week's comic comes to you from an old Phantasy Bar buddy...the lady who got me into webcomicking in the first place. KEZ!! This time I bring you "What it Takes"
"What it Takes" is a post-apocalyptic story about a young woman in search of the man that she loves. She must dodge drifters and gangs, slog through submerged cities and avoid King Arthur. Will she ever reunite with him? Right now the tale is in the middle of some really juicy information regarding the REASON for the fall of civilization! I highly recomend this gray tone, short page, long form comic for EVERYONE!