Killer or Source?

So Tom and David spend a little time discussing just what this new information means for their investigation.

A Shout Out

During a recent review of my Google Analytics for this comic I noticed that I had a HUGE spike in readership and pages read (Almost ten thousand in a day at one point O_o). Now I've not had numbers like that, like...EVER... So I checked to see where my referring traffic was coming from. My major referral traffic has been coming from a Anthro Comic Index site known as "The Belfry Webcomics Index". I want to give them a HUGE Thank you for sending so many new readers my way! It is truly appreciated!

Comic of the Week

This week's Comic of the Week is Kaspall by Lucy Lyall

Lucy recently brought her long running antrho comic over to the forest after being accepted with Spare Keys to Strange Doors. The quality of the worldbuilding and story in Kaspall will keep you reading like me beginning to end, despite the somewhat daunting archive available to read. It is inked by hand and has a distinctive feel to the art that is unmistakable! You will NOT be disappointed!