Tom's frustration is pretty clear here isn't it? HEH...David is trying to think positive, but I think even he has his doubts!
Comic Creators for Freedom
For the 4th year in a row, comic creators from all over the world are banding together to raise money and awareness of human trafficking. Here is a blurb directly from their website:
Each year, comic creators from around the world come together to raise funds in support of Love146, a charitable organization whose goal is to end child trafficking and exploitation. Learn how you can get involved in our drive here.
Comic of the Week
This week's comic of the week is "Cooties" by Perk Daddy
Directly from the website: "Cooties is an all-ages comic strip which follows a bunch of kids and their adventures dealing with school, friends, parents, the opposite sex, and the occasional paranormal/extraterrestrial catastrophe."