I had a little TOO much fun creating the dock and the water and all the insundry effects therein! I hope you like how things came out!
So Steve's waiting for David... If you remember back to "A Prize" you might remember that Steve offered to pick David up from the airport because he was asking for his help.
Welcome Our New Members to the Forest!
Our next batch of welcome aboards!:
Xylobone Tomes - A Cute little black and white comic about a wizard and his apprentice investigating strange happenings with interdimensional gates! You'll really like this one it's awesome!
Random Battles - A comic about a young girl in search of a Magic girl. She's bold and curious, and it may lead her to trouble!
Witchery Etc. - A young witch seeks adventure, and finds it in a headless man looking to recover it.
Take some time to see what they have to offer! You will NOT be disappointed! :D