Stick with it! It's only about 13-15 seconds, but there is a simple animation on this cover! :P If you miss it, please wait it does loop!
I'm practicing my animation because there is a page in TOHS I want BADLY To animate! So this was a simple test of the interface of PS animation.
10th Anniversary Celebration Starts April 4th!
Next Monday begins Darwin Comics 10th Anniversary! We're going to start the celebration with a name that frame contest! Every Friday there will be a series of images to look at and the contest is simple! Tell me (via private message or email) Which chapter/page each image came from!
The person who gets the most frames correct will win a personal commission or a download of both Mercenearies and Angels and Plague (for Plague's winner) or the TOHS trilogy (For the TOHS Winner)! There will be one reader from both Plague and TOHS!